Rubber mat rollers.
Four of these were displayed along the path leading to the tin dredge.
Looks like a sugarcane juice extractor to me and a giant pasta machine to JY.
The crank still works and is much better condition than my ice kacang machine at home that requires herculean effort to get shaved ice.
These cows were bought from a farm to be fattened up for sale. Each costs between RM1000-2000 depending on size or weight. This holding pen is located next to the tin dredge museum between Batu Gajah and Tanjong Tualang Road.
Apart from the grazing meadow, the cattle and buffaloes were fed with cut corn stalks in pellet form with the help of this contraption.
Located at the back of the tin dredge was a duck farm.
Lots of quacking can be heard as we made our way around the tin dredge.
The ducks were waddling down to the pond for their late morning swim.
Setawar plant.
I used to pluck out the leaves and place them between the pages of my textbooks and wait for the little roots and shoots that would emerge along the indents of the leaves.
I had no idea this plant was medicinal.
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