Cacti from Cactus Valley. RM10 for 6 pots. Fai and JY had a fine time choosing.
The Sg Palas Boh tea factory'a cafe was beautifully done. This is the entrance that greets you as you take a short hike up a slope from the visitor's carpark.
The deck with hardwood flooring and bamboo poles as the ceiling. The view of the tea plantation was breathtaking. I could sit and enjoy the view the whole day. 
Fresh tea leaves are odourless. But the terrific smell of tea leaves being roasted greets you as you enter the factory. Factory tours are conducted regularly throughout the day.
This guy conducted the factory tour. I asked him about the whereabouts of the mossy forest and the road conditions as I was still uncertain to whether cars could make the climb up Mount Brinchang. He told me that it was just down the road, pass the guardhouse, after a stream, there would be a fork, turn left to the Mossy Forest. The right would take you to the tea factory. However he mentioned that only 4WD could get to the mossy forest as the road was too steep and slippery for cars.
We don't listen very well and dad decided to have a look at the road conditions. Seeing that it was tar road, dad gave the green light. Tour guide out to get customers?
On the way out, we stopped by a dirt road and let the kids loose on the tea plantation. They ran and hid among the maze of tea shrubs with their imagination running wild.
Fai's secret hiding place. Sshhhhh!
Back at Tanah Rata we tried out the playground down the road from YeeKuMa's house. It was small but the lovely weather was irresistable.
Poor overfed kitty. It didn't stand a chance against 3 boys bent on feeding it. After the feeding session, kitty managed 3 steps before collapsing into a slumber by a pillar. Kitty stayed as far away as possible when we visited the mamak shop 2 days later.
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